Thursday, February 09, 2006

Stephen King? Times 3?!?

In my office building, lurks Stephen king. Not just one Stephen King, but THREE!!! Count 'em THREEE! It really freaks me out when I see one of the Steph (Steve) clones, but today I rode in the elevator with all THREE! I have never felt so uncomfortable in my life. I mean, I was standing there with Stephen King to the third power. The very man who haunted many of my childhood dreams with movies like Creepshow, The Shining and It.
But the weird thing about Steve3 is that all of them represent a a different Steph (Steve). There's a young one, a middle aged one and an old one.
Young one looks like the Steph (Steve) from that one John Carpenter movie, where he made a cameo (Kameo, Elements of Power)
The MA one looks about the time about the movie The Stand.
And TO one look like Steph (Steve) now.
Creepier then Leslie Neilsen in Creepshow and all those infomercials that advertised The Stand at 3 a.m. in th morining during the 80s/90s: COMBINED!