Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Cute WarMachine!

I just started playing WarMachine a couple of weeks ago, and I decided to paint my Cryx starter set cute. I know it's pretty weird, but I guess I'm just seeking attention ;)

Anyway, the Deathrippers and Defiler reminded me of pigs, so the Pigs on Parade calendar is the inspiration for those guys.

I needed something cute to accentuate the pigs, so I choose Sailor Moon Eternal for my inspiration for Deneghra.

My wife and I painted them, and this is our first attempt at painting miniatures, maybe a pro will take this idea to the next level!

I'll post pictures of the whole set when I'm done.
Hope you're entertained!

Now playing: Anberlin - Down
via FoxyTunes