Khagendra Thapa Magar claims to be world's shortest boy. Guinness Record Book does not have a record for world's shortest boy. He'll have to wait until he's 19 to be measured. Even though some may doubt his claim, there is not doubt he is the world's cutest Buddhist. If you google image search his name, you will come a across a picture of him standing among the clouds praying. The picture below is a dedication to him.

The background photo was taken by Andrew D. Somerville, a.k.a Smoreville, S-Clubb, SportPup.
Now playing:
Alkaline Trio - Back To Hellvia FoxyTunes
This boy looks like a....CHITO!
Is that my background photo?
Yeah, I got it from your kodak gallery. I wasn't sure if it was you or Casandra, I updated the Blog to reflect that. I also will give you 50% of the profits I make from that photo. After taxes, that amounts to $0.
Did Jeff ever notice the huge CHITO on his computer screens?
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