Saturday, September 08, 2007

Ok, Focus! (One Last Post Before Bed)

Tomorrow I must work on the second episode of G.O.S.H.
So let's get these silly thoughts out of my head before I start:

I've renamed my cat Morris...

Hall and Oates

Thought of this hilarious cliché clip art while at dinner.

(Note: This is actual clip art from that CD! I just added the text)

Also, I can't stop thinking about that part in The Matrix, where that guy is about to program Keanu's brain with Kung Fu, he said something like, "Morpheus wanted me to start you with some protocol programs, but that's major boring shit!"

Bonus Blog!
I found a funny Windows XP shortcut. If you hold down the windows key on your keyboard and hit u, a robot will begin speaking to you.
Now playing: Saves the Day - Freakish
via FoxyTunes


F Minus said...

You the man, Dave!

Anonymous said...

OMGOSH! windows key + "U" really does turn my laptop into a real life talking robot...sweeeeeeeeeet! Good looking out Baby Babar. Btw is that the cat that looks like Jeff 1.0?