Saturday, September 15, 2007

Ricky Cheez

I've created a new comic book concept I think you all will be pleased with. It is inspired by a coworker of mine name Ricky.
Here's the bad guy, Georgio Baldini

Here are Ricky's sidekicks: Pammerstud the Boy Ward and Angry Crapping Security Guard (He Hates Going to the Bathroom!)
Anyone want to greenlight this project for a cool million?

Now playing: Saves The Day - As Your Ghost Takes Flight
via FoxyTunes


Anonymous said...

David, have you been taking art lessons? You are definitely improving. Still doesn't make any sense but art work is better.
Love you son

David Wylie said...

I guess I have gotten better. But only if you consider the artwork of a 5th grader compared to that of a 6th grader.