Thursday, January 19, 2006

A True Story of Friendship!

So I was reading yahoo news today, and I saw a true story of friendship. A rat snake and a hamster have been friends since October, living in a cardboard box cage in a Tokyo zoo.
The hamster was originally fed to the snake (who is a finicky eater) when it refused to eat frozen mice.

Zoo Keeper: Come on snake! Eat your food! You want to grow up like your daddy and be strong, right?
Rat Snake: uh..uh (nods head "no")
Zoo Keeper: Would you let the airplane land in the hangar? Vrrrooom!
(Zoo Keeper makes airplane motions with the frozen mice-cicle)
Rat Snake: uh..uh (nods head "no")
Zoo Keeper: Would you like something fresh?
Rat Snake Uh..HUH! (Shakes head yes)
(The zoo keeper then feeds the hamster to the snake, the snake falls in love with hamster)
Rat Snake: (to hamster) My telling me no! But my body, my body is telllling me yess!!!
(Hamster eats a sunflower seed)

Do you know what this means!?! Rats love to eat hamsters, hamsters don't like snakes because they eat rodents. These two individual animals have totally crossed the species barrier, paving way for future relations.
Pretty soon, snake riding hamsters will take over the world!
But on a soft note...nothing is more cute when a hamster sleeps on a snake.

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