Thursday, August 02, 2007

The Recall of 1,000,000 Toys (A.K.A. The Rise of the Robots)

Look, I was eating lead-painted toys for a good part of my life. Totally did not mess me up, just read this blog.
Robots are the ones who paint toys now, didn't you know? We told them in 1985 not to use lead paint. Looks like they did not get the memo.
What I think is pretty weird about the whole thing, is normally when toys get recalled, they're pretty much shitty toys that no one bought to begin with. Kind of like an 8-legged, playpen-bouncy-chair-hybrid.
Now playing: The Format - If Work Permits
posted with FoxyTunes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...this is true. Only the shitty toys that no one plays with get recalled. Maybe they get a tax write off for recalling a "defective" toy that would kill countless little baby babars :(