Monday, September 10, 2007

Changes to the Blog

Hello, Generic Dave (The USA, Arizona Version) here. I've got a few updates I want to tell everyone about.

New Hours of Operation
I'm not going to be able to post new content Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., so you all can check the site for updates either at nighttime, or the next day.
The reason for this is because I started a new super tubluar, top secret corporate job. They're pretty strict about wasting company time and money.
If you would like to keep abreast of all GDCC news, you can add me as a friend at
I send out a weekly newsletter.

Name Change
I've changed the name of the blog from "Generic Dave's Blogtacular" to "Generic Dave's Curry Consortium." It's not really that blogtacular anyways. I like curry a lot more than the combined words of blog and spectacular.
The name is also a reference to a Kinks song.

New Contributors
A couple of friends will now be contributors to the site! They will be bringing some pretty random stuff, which will include a horticultural column and possibly some gnarly emo poetry. I'm still looking for a few more to add content while I'm at work.
If you would like to contribute, you can contact me at the MySpace above or you can

G.O.S.H. Episodes
I'm planning on releasing G.O.S.H. episodes every Saturday. They will be presented in a serial format with lots of cliff hangers. Once a story arc is done, I will post complete episodes. The reason for this is it takes me about 8 hours to compile about 2 minutes of footage.

Is Rich Baldwin Related to the Famous Baldwins?
Good question.
No, he's not related to the Baldwins. My theory is that he is a super classified, human genome project. I believe government scientists combined all of the Baldwins' DNA together in order to create a super being with a golden voice.
Some say (actually just me) that Richard Baldwin's voice can cure cancer!

Keep checking out the site and tell your mom! I mean your friends! Tell your friends!

Now playing: Anti-Flag - Wake Up!
via FoxyTunes

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