Sunday, September 09, 2007

Weird Dream Again

I was on vacation at a family reunion. The zany part was that none of these people were my family members, and they were all pricks.
There were also pissed off animals, a zombie attack and a pretentious dude who chastised me for not knowing thrash/speed metal bands.
After that I went to a super cool version of Disneyland where instead of the electric light parade, giant, cute anime-inspired monsters battled. There was also this weird part where I started playing World of Warcraft again. I had to hide my WoW addiction by playing outside of the resort on my computer.

I think if you were to analyze this, you may find that I secretly care about what animals think of me. Or maybe animals really do hate me.
Now playing: Strike Anywhere - Sedition
via FoxyTunes

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